…with love, from Wellspringwords…

In our monthly newsletter, we share inspiring intuitive musings, updates on the latest narratives written by gifted Wellspringwords writers, community events, opportunities to collaborate, and creative wellness resources.

“Community” is a chosen home space, and we honor the word. We know that what we feel individually can be powerfully felt as a collective. So, our monthly community newsletter considers each person, on their individual journeys, in their different corners of the world. 

It’s a powerful thing to feel centered in self while connected with the collective.

This is what our newsletter aims to cultivate. Join us through the footer below.

There will always be something for you, because we believe in right timing, auspicious meaning, and the way messages are sent through the ethers. 

Our gift to you: reflective writing prompts for self-discovery

Welcome to this community.

As a gift, please download your writing prompts upon subscribing to our newsletter below. We hope they will support you in your creative wellness journey.

About the prompts: In the practice of creative embodiment, we deepen into ourselves to experience truth, and eventually passion, separating the energies of fear, worry, anxiety, and wounded attachment from the energies of liberation, love, peace, pleasure, and joy. It's not as though we won't experience everything as humans, but awareness changes it all.

Please use these prompts as a tool to support you in honoring your whole, abundant, creative self.