Naturally Misunderstood

Photo by Flow Clark

Photo by Flow Clark

You wouldn't understand if I told you,

About how it gets hard to comb through;

Uncontrollable kinks, curls, and coils,

That sometimes need more than water and oils;

Spending hundreds to keep it controlled,

Using products to make the style hold;

Trying to accept it like we were told,

But corporate conditions won’t let us be bold;

They would rather see us in silky strands,

So, I'm telling you, you wouldn't understand;

Breaking combs, and popping rubber bands,

Or when your hair doesn't go as planned;

Every strand dancing to its own drum,

And it's unpredictable, the outcome;

When you try to style it something new,

Hoping your curls are like corkscrews;

And then your whole mood is blue,

Because your new 'do didn't pull through;

So, you wouldn't understand what I'm saying,

And it's not because you’re Caucasian,

Or Asian or Malaysian, so we won’t persuade

You to understand why we keep our hair in braids;

We were invaded, raided, and traded,

Then demanded we keep our hair downgraded;

I'm impatiently waiting for the day,

We can wear our hair any damn way;

A fade, some braids, curly or straight,

Without feeling attacked right out the gate;

We set the trends because our hair holds weight,

It fascinates so much that others emulate and duplicate;

And we cooperate until they dominate and captivate,

And formulate and conjugate how to profit off what we create;

So, no, you wouldn't understand what we go through,

Forced to straighten our hair when we don't want to;

Because according to the employee handbook,

Our natural hairstyles are forbidden looks;

And it’s such a shame,

That laws must be created to protect our mane;

Over something we naturally create!

Name another race fighting this fight… I’ll wait;

Killing our self-esteem in every way,

When all we want is to have a good hair day!

But you wouldn’t understand,

Wearing wigs to cover the real strands;

Because we know that with our natural ‘do,

We won’t get a call back after that job interview;

We won’t be respected,

Just rejected all because of our tresses;

Everyone else, disconnected and unaffected,

Until they make our culture trendy and accepted;

But their hair could never perform so magically,

Their hair doesn’t defy gravity;

No ability to change ever so drastically,

So, I can understand why they’re mad at me;

Because black hair is in high demand,

And anything but bland;

Doing everything your hair CAN’T,

But I wouldn't expect you to understand. 

Bianca Shane'

Bianca Shane' is a native of Atlanta and owner of Dear Atlanta Freelance Writing, LLC. As a lover of words, she is well versed in writing short stories and poetry. Bianca is a reputable resumé writing specialist who is dedicated to helping job seekers attract and obtain new employment opportunities by sharing daily updates on who's hiring in Atlanta.

More Than Enough


My body, my life.