These Bones

These bones

All two-hundred and six of them

They carry me out into the world where eagles soar and lions roar

These bones

They support me

When I feel like I’m falling apart, the strength of their ligaments holds me together

These bones

Do their best to protect my most vulnerable organs

And I remember the talons that pierced my tender flesh

And marred and scarred the walls of my heart

In their multiple merciless unsuccessful missions to extract my soul

Each assault

Left me bruised, battered, and broken

Flesh fluttered like bloody ribbons on a macabre maypole 


These bones

My bones

They strengthen, support, protect, and propel me onward

These twenty-six bones in each of my feet

They ground me

Sinker roots drill down and anchor me in the present

These twenty-seven bones in each of my hands and wrists

Invite me to hold each moment gently, to reach for stars, heal from my scars and offer blessings to humanity

These femurs

The longest and strongest bones in my body remind me that I am strong and that I belong

These stapes in each middle ear, the smallest and lightest bones in my body, remind me that purpose trumps metrics

And the only thing that matters is that I fulfill my destiny

These bones

My bones

My beautiful bones

They tell me

That no matter what happens, they will never desert me, and they will complete their mission

Until I bid them farewell and they return to dust.

Carol V. Meyer

Carol is a lover of nature and all things creative. She uses poetry, writing, dance, art, music, and faith to navigate her journey with authenticity and grace. She is a skilled trauma-informed Holistic Therapist, workshop, and retreat facilitator. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome interrupted her therapeutic practice; now she uses creativity and creates tools that facilitate healing for herself and others. Carol believes in the power of dreams and stories; in April 2022, her 41-year-old dream to co-found a magazine became reality.

Only At Midnight


Means of Identification